林先生の元でのお稽古 Practice with Hayashi Sensei  


On December 8th, we practiced nagao string procedure using a shusen shelf. Inside the shifuku pouch, we placed a taikai chaire, a relatively large tea container.


On December 15th, we practiced kasane-jawan procedure using a kotobuki shelf. Usually, when the host serves a lot of thick tea to a group of guests for a major celebration, such as a New Year’s  gathering, the host will use kasane-jawan, a stack of two tea bowls, for all of the guests. However, I don’t think our class members are ready to perform this procedure yet.


On the 22nd, we practiced kakufukudate (serve thick tea in individual tea bowls instead of sharing a bowl) procedure using kokodana shelf. This method was introduced to prevent the spread of COVID. After the host served the main guest, an assistant brought a large tray of warmed tea bowls which were prepared in the back room.  The host took the tray and made thick teas for each guest. The order of the making tea in each tea bowl on the tray goes like the letter C. The host placed the tray in front of the guests and each guest took the bowl by themselves. We will use this method of serving tea at a New Year’s gathering in 2022.