京都便りLetters from Kyoto




Ochakai in Kyoto

On December 4th, after two weeks of self-quarantine in Tokyo, I arrived in Kyoto.


The next day, I attended two ochakai. The first one at Taiko-An at Tofukuji is held monthly. The host showed a lot of old tools from Rikyu’s era, and it was a privilege to see such valuable, precious items. About twenty guests were able to drink tea from one of these priceless tea bowls. Even the most recent one was from the Tokugawa Era (1600-1860). I drank my tea from an original tea bowl that Oribe himself made. What an experience—such an honor!


In the afternoon, I visited three more tearooms, Sho-in, Chiku-in, and Bai-in, all inside the Shoukado Garden in Yawata City. Unfortunately, no photography was allowed inside the tearoom. Here are pictures I took outside.