10月8日、IISTLのリーダーとして長年尽力され、2~3年前に引退されたMrs.Anna Crosslinの功績を讃えるという趣旨で彼女とそのご友人のためにお茶会をしてほしいという依頼を受けました。
日本人のお母様、アメリカ人のお父様の子供としてお生まれになったAnna さんはお父様が早逝されたのち、異国の地で子供たちを育てられたお母様のご苦労を目の当たりにされ、移民の人たちのために力を注ぎたいという思いで、IISTLの活動に携わってこられ、たくさんの方々との出会いがおありだったと思います。そこでテーマ『一期一会』にして、そのお軸をかけました。
Annaさんのお母さまのご実家の家紋が梅鉢紋で、梅の花がお好きとのことでしたので、秋真っただ中でしたが、あえて、お茶席は春一色にしました。梅の水指、梅の棗、梅の茶碗でお茶をお点てし、お菓子は梅の練り切り、私たち亭主側は皆、ピンクの着物を着て、一人一人が梅の花になったつもりで、Anna さん、そしてAnnaさんのお客様をおもてなししました。
I received a request to host a tea ceremony in honor of Mrs. Anna Crosslin, who served as a leader at IISTL for many years and retired two to three years ago, as an expression of recognition for her achievements and to celebrate her with her friends.
Anna was born to a Japanese mother and an American father. After her father’s early passing, she witnessed her mother’s struggles in raising her and her siblings in a foreign land. Motivated by a desire to make a difference for immigrants, she became involved in IISTL’s activities and had the opportunity to meet many people. The theme of the event was “Ichi-go Ichi-e,” emphasizing the uniqueness of each encounter.
Anna’s mother’s family crest was the plum blossom motif, and as Anna had an affinity for plum blossoms, the tea gathering was adorned with a spring theme, even though it was in the midst of autumn. Plum-themed water container, tea caddies, and tea bowls were used for the tea ceremony, and plum-shaped sweets were served. On our side as hosts, each of us wore pink kimonos, and we all aimed to be like plum blossoms, welcoming Anna and her guests with warmth.
I believe that Anna and your friends may have come to understand a bit of the spirit of hospitality in Japanese tea ceremonies through this event.