コロナウイルス感染拡大を防ぐための在宅命令が5月3日までに延長されました。お稽古を再開できないこんな時だからこそ、一週間に一度は茶室で静かにお茶を点てようと決め、実行しています。今日は床の間のお軸の色紙は京都の書家の 山田虹赤(やまだこうせき)墨蹟で『富貴安楽』(ふうきあんらく)。「家は富、身は貴く、安らけく、楽しきこと」という意味。こうであって欲しいという願いを込めて掛けました。
Missouri’s stay-at-home order was extended, ending May 3rd. Since we can’t practice tea ceremony as a group during this order, I decided to practice by myself once a week. The choice of writing on the scroll today is Fukianraku, which means “family is blessed with fortune, nobility, peace and enjoyment”, written by Yamada Koseki, a calligrapher in Kyoto.
Flowers on the alcove are forsythia and azalea from my garden.
I practiced bondate – one of the shikaden procedure- using a square tray. There are several bondate procedures and the movement of cleaning each tray is different depending on the shape of the tray.