利休百首 Rukyu’s Hundred Poems of Chanoyu


After finding Rikyu’s poems written on a student’s fan, I decided to share them with students at every practice, hoping to deepen their understanding of the tea ceremony. Since October I have read one of the poems before beginning each lesson. First, I researched about Rikyu Hyakushu (or Rikyu Doka). This collection of poems explains the fundamental philosophy and practical teaching of choanoyu in a short mnemonic poetic form of 31 syllables to be used by all levels—from beginners to masters. The author of these poems was not necessarily Rikyu, but later in the Edo period, 100 of his poems were collected and are now called Rukyu’s Hundred Poems of Chanoyu.


『けいことは一より習い十を知り 十よりかえる もとのその一』 【解釈】稽古に終わりはありません。解ったつもりになっても もう一度 最初-基本を思い出してみましょう。

『茶の湯とは ただ湯をわかし茶をたてて のむばかりなる事と知るべし』 【解釈】「十よりかえった元のその一」がすなわち ただ湯を沸かして茶を飲むだけのことです。とてもシンプルなことですが、それがちゃんとできているでしょうか?

Let me share two of these and comment on them.

けいことは一より習い十を知り 十よりかえる もとのその一

“Practicing constitutes learning from one, becoming cognizant of ten, then returning from ten to one, the beginning.”

There is no end to learning. Even when you think you understand everything, you can still gain new insight and understanding when you go back to the beginning.

茶の湯とは ただ湯をわかし茶をたてて のむばかりなる事と知るべし

”Know that chanoyu is simply a matter of boiling water, making tea, and drinking it.”

In other words, always remember to go back to your foundation and never forget basic things are most important.