This week’s lesson was satubako furo.The flower in the alcove is the common hibiscus from my garden, and the drawing on the scroll has a lotus pod and some leaves.I made nama-yatsuhashi, one of the best known regional confections in Kyoto, with rice flour, sweet bean, and cinnamon and named it nagatsuki, meaning “September” in old Japanese.
Usually, we share one bowl among the guests, but this time because of the pandemic, we served tea in individual bowls for each guest.
The host and guests hold the box with right hands when the box is empty and left hands when it has containers.


Satubako box holds two tea containers. The host prepares one container with her own tea and the other container with different tea, sometimes the one she received as a gift. Then the host puts both containers back-to-back in the box. Since we served two thick teas in one procedure, it took a long time to complete it. However, it was fun to hear the story of both teas and interesting to compare the two different flavors.