This week we had two guests, a potter and his girlfriend, in our Junshin-an tearoom. Although he has made tea bowls, he has never been in the tearoom, so we invited him to usucha furo teamae, a tea ceremony performed by one of our students.

By the front door, I placed the this year’s first bloom of a hiougi (black lily), which came from my student’s yard, hoping this plant will help overcome the pandemic. Hiougi is believed to ward off evils spirits and has been used for centuries in Gion festivals as a protective charm in Kyoto, Japan.

Placed next to white hydrangeas was the scroll with the word wakeiseijaku consisting of four calligraphic characters (harmony, respect, purity, and tranquillity). These are the four principles of the tea ceremony.

I made kuzuzakura (Japanese arrowroot cake with a cherry blossom) for this occasion, it tasted fine but unfortunately didn’t look as pretty as I hoped.

After the ceremony, the guests said they felt calm and peaceful looking at the flawless movement of the tea ceremony in its very simple setting. There is nothing more pleasurable to hear than these kind of comments since these feelings are exactly the goal of our weekly practice.