引き続き4月24日までStay home orderが出ました。
Missouri extended the stay-at-home order, ending April 24th. I returned to the United States from Japan a month ago ready to start practicing tea ceremony. I finally prepared a nice koicha “thick tea” through shikaden, karamono procedure and later two usucha “thin tea” shared with my husband.
The picture on the scroll depicts the tenth century Japanese poet, Otomo no Kuronush, looking up at a beautiful cherry blossom. This picture, a gift from my friend, seems appropriate for this season.

A rat shaped Incense holder: this year’s zodiac animal, replacing last year’s pig shaped holder.

Sweests: mizuyokan, senbei rice cracker and wasanbon.
お薄のお茶碗は一つは新年を迎えるにあたりもとめた楽入作『望月の歌』、これまた友人から譲り受けた竹徳作黄瀬戸のお茶碗です。 軸を変えたり、お湯を沸かしたり、お茶を棗に入れたりの準備から片付けまでに2時間はたっぷりかかってしまいました。 地下室の茶室『純心庵』で一人ゆったりとした良い時をすごしました。
Chawan: the top is raku chawan named mochizuki no uta “song of full moon” by Rakunyu, which I bought this January. The bottom bowl is kiseto chawan by Chikutoku, a gift from my friend.
It took me two hours to complete this tea ceremony, but I had a relaxing and meditative time alone in my tea room. I’m looking forward to getting together with everyone soon.