While Sojune sensei is away in Japan, one of the sdtudesnts held a Chakai at Junshin-An in mid November.
The host and the hantoh had five guests.
The host met the guests at Machiai where there was a scroll hanging down from the screen which said ”稽古とは一より習い十を知り十より帰る元のその一“ meaning “Practice is to learn the very first thing to start with to keep on learning to master the most advanced things, then to go back to where you started. With such continuous and repetitive practices, you will be able to improve your understanding of Chado.
The host prepared the tea with the Yoshino-dana Tsuzuki Ousu procedure using her favorite Mizusashi and a diamond-shaped ceramic Hutaoki to entertain the guests. When the main guest requested the viewing of Dogu after the tea was served, the host told the main guest that they can view the Mizusashi and Hutaoki as well if they are interested. The main guest requested to view the Mizusashi and Hutaoki in addition to Chaire, Chashaku, Shihuku, and Natsume.