1月13日 11時半より林宗美先生社中の初釜が総勢13名で催されました。
床の間には『松柏千年青』(しょうはくせんねんのせい)の掛物。どんな環境下にあっても緑の葉を保ち続ける松と柏。変わらぬ信念、強い意志を持ち続けることの素晴らしいことを伝えています。林先生お手製の海老、炭、梅、昆布、裏白などのおめでたい正月飾り。松や菊、千両の正月花。 炉縁は鶴の蒔絵。
We had Hatsugama on the 13th of January with Hayashi Soumi sensei’s tea group. On the alcove, we had the scroll of “Shouhaku sennen no sei” which translates “pine tree and oak tree leaves stay green under any environment”, suggesting the importance of keeping the strong will and policy under any circumstances.Other things you see in the room is Hayashi sensei’s homemade decoration, such as shrimp, plum, kelp and urajiroleaves. Plants used for arrangement are pine, chrysanthemums and sarcandra glabra, all used traditionally for new year’s flower arrangement.
The hearth frame picture depicted a crane. Long board is black lacquer. All of mizusashi, kensui, shakutate (ladle stand) and futaoki are made with kikouchi (yellow kochi ware).Today’s procedure started in the following order; shozumi demae, meal, nagaita sokazari koicha demae, gozumi demae, usucha demae.Sweet for this day’s koicha was hanabiramochi.Other tea tools we used included;Tea bowls; shimadai and Iraho chawan by Nagaoka Kugon.Chashaku; Zuiun by Kaigen Osho of Daitokuji temple.Chaire; katatsuki, asahiyaki.Shifuku; seiryoujigire.