Chado 純心庵

Chado Society of St. Louis – Junshin-an 

The way of Japanese Tea • 茶 道

We welcome anyone who wants to participate in the tea ceremony. Classes are taught weekly in the Urasenke tradition of Chanoyu. Private lessons are also available. Please email or telephone to reserve your space for more information.
Members serve as both the “host” or one of the “guests” in a tea lesson. All learn the traditional ways to prepare, serve and drink tea. With time, more advanced methods are introduced under the guidance of the tea instructor.
There are many paths to learning Chado – the Way of Tea. Some are interested in traditional Japanese culture. Others enjoy the Art, study of Zen, meditation or simply the taste of powdered green tea. All are welcome.
Peacefulness through a Bowl of Tea
– Sen Genshitsu
千 玄室
About Us
The Chado Society was founded by Junko Ikeda, trained at the Urasenke school of tea in Kyoto. Students meet weekly and often perform at public and private events. A disciplined, fun and dedicated group, new members are always welcomed. Reach out using the form below. And follow us on social media – Facebook and Instagram.  
Urasenke Konnichian of Kyoto, Japan has nurtured the rich cultural tradition of chanoyu since the early seventeenth century. Zabosai Iemoto, sixteenth generation Grand Tea Master of Urasenke, continues the tradition of his father, now retired as Hounsai Genshitsu, Former Grand Tea Master, in fostering international goodwill through cultural exchange. The Chado Society of St. Louis follows Urasenke's teaching.
Tea house island 
The Missouri Botanical Garden is home to one of the largest Japanese gardens in North American - Seiwa-en. Follow us on social media and on the official calendar to learn when the Chado Society performs next at the tea island. In the meantime, experience the thrill of personal interpretation and discovery in the Garden's serene landscape. 

join our next event

Below is our calendar of events and classes. Those open to the public are noted. You do need to register for classes prior. Otherwise, join our mailing list to be notified up upcoming public demonstrations.
Junko Ikeda
Junko Ikeda (named So-jun by the grand tea mater of Urasenke)
is the founder the Chado Society of St. Louis, Junshin-an. Ikeda-sensei is a member of
 Minami Branch of Urasenke Kyoto, taught by Hayashi Soumi.
池田 宗純(純子)・生徒一同



貴人点 kinindate

小習い十六か条の内、貴人点の風炉点前をそれぞれのレベルに合わせて、濃茶、薄茶でお稽古しました。今日のお菓子は生徒さんが、シカゴからお土産に持ち帰ってくださった日本の桜餅です。貴人点前をする亭主役、お茶をいただく貴人役、給仕をする半東役のお稽古をそれぞれが担って、順繰りにお稽古です。 Kinin date is one of the 16 basic procedures of the tea ceremony. In the thi...
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6月の茶会@長野庵 Naganoan Chakai in June

日本では梅雨の季節6月。ここセントルイスでは急に夏めいてきました。 6月の第一土曜日、長野庵でお茶会を催しました。 華氏90度(摂氏32度)を超える夏日でしたが、周囲を池と木々に囲まれている長野庵の茶室には涼風が吹きわたっていました。 While it’s now rainy season in Japan, it’s already summer in St. Louis. On the first Saturday of June, we held a chakai, tea gathering, at Nagan...
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