日本から和菓子職人を迎えて Japanese Wagashi Master

3日間の日本祭の最終日、私達のグループChado Society of St.Louis は和菓子職人、神山典之さんの2回のデモンストレーションと1回のワークショップの通訳及び観衆にお抹茶を点て出しするお手伝いをしました。



On Monday, September 5th, as part of the Japanese Festival, our Chado group members joined the wagashi artist making Japanese sweets. There was an English translation during the demonstration, and afterwards members served tea to the audience. There were two demonstrations and then a workshop about making wagashi. The presenter, Noriyuki Kamiyama, is a fourth generation Japanese confectioner from Fukushima, Japan. Using his master craftsmanship, he mesmerized the audience with the traditional delicate beauty ofmaking wagashi. We, as amateur wagashi creators, also learned a lot by watching him and were grateful for the advice and tips he gave us afterward.