2020年最後のお稽古 和巾点 炉点前 Wakindate Rodemae


The last practice of the year was wakindate. On the alcove, I hung a scroll that depicted a snowy landscape in Chinese ink. To add a Christmas feeling, I arranged red willow branches with green chrysanthemums and made the nerikiri sweets shaped like a Christmas tree. It is one of the many joys in the tea ceremony where we embrace a season or occasion with tools, art, or sweets.

準備は塗り蓋の染付水指の前に、仕覆に入れた欅或いは桑の中次を、仕覆と同じ裂地のお和布の古帛紗の上に載せて荘ります。黒楽茶碗に茶巾と中節の茶杓を仕込み、膝前に置いて行の手をついて襖を開けてお点前が始まります。このお点前は中次茶入れとお和布にフォーカスしますので、茶入れを扱う時は手を副える、お和巾は左手前の和巾を右手でつまみ上げてからそこを左手で持ち、右手はすべらせて・・・といった一連の動作で扱うことを習得します。この和巾の裂地は (1)「東福門跡より拝領した唐松鈍子」或いは(2)「光格天皇の御衣の裂地の伊予簾鈍子」という設定ですので、とても貴重で稀有なものを扱うお点前なのです。

Since the wakin fabric and nakatsugi chaire (tea container) in this procedure are considered precious and valuable, we use both hands in a special way by lifting the corner of the wakin fabric with the right fingers, pass it to the left fingers, then slide the right fingers to the side of the fabric to hold the wakin and nakatsugi chaire together.
The year 2020 was challenging for everyone. Let’s keep our spirit of wakeiseijaku and hope we can get together in our tea room soon again. Stay safe and have a great New Year.