宇治、県神社でお茶会ー先生の京都だより From Kyoto, ochakai at Agata shrine

Last Saturday, nine member of our Hayashi sensei’s group joined the ochakai (tea gathering) at Agata shrine, Uji-city in Kyoto. This ochakai was organized by the youth group of Urasenke South branch. Tsubo niwa (enclosed inner garden) was beautifully tended with white Camellia brightening the dark garden in the early evening. We found the picture of chestnut and red leaves on the scroll in the waiting room. Sweet was ogencho musubi.
We entered the tea room after cleaning our hands and mouth. First thick tea was served in the four and a half tatami mats room and later we enjoyed thin tea in the large room.
Last week, my husband and I went to Takagamine to see the autumn leaves and visited three temples.
First we went to Koetsu-temple which is famous for Koetsu-fence. Next Genko-an temple is known for its circular window and square window which are called enlightenment and delusive windows respectively. Lastly, we visited Josho-temple famous for its connection to the renowned geisha Yoshino Tayu.
Autumn in Kyoto is breathtakingly beautiful.